Well my last entry was about how to solve the dreaded Empty Toner feeling. It is quite depressing - it signifies shelling out more cash on that little printing machine. Why do we have to print out everything - I cleverly bought a laser printer with a network card and connected it to all the PCs in the house.
My laser behemoth is uber-efficient (until the Empty Toner message appears) - but it takes 2 minutes to warm up and sounds like a Sopwith Camel starting up until it's ready to print.
I sit in my Office and hear the thing start up - 'chocks away fellas' , "stand back boys and girls" - a trifle irritating when
a) you didn't send anything to print
b) you're trying to concentrate on a pointless redesign of a DNS infrastructure
c) it's hot in your office and the printer makes it hotter.
Finally it finishes after beeping - empty toner at me again and making me press enter to continue.
At last my super fast laser printer leaps into action and prints out 120 copies in full photo-quality colour of Thomas the Tank Engine next to Gordon. briefly half way I toy with the idea of cancelling the print or whipping out the paper tray ( but I now what happens then!)
But no - Empty Toner it told me it will stop in minute - not bloody likely it had just enough toner to finsh the last blue smoke stack on Gordons beautiful engine - excuse me - arggggggggggggggggggggggg!
So now I really am in Empty Toner land - so back I go to my good friends at-Toner top up
I do wonder why those two engines really need so much colour - I mean what's wrong with black and white.
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