Monday 18 August 2008

Open Pandora - GPX2

Don't know if you've ever come across this but once upon a time there was a revolutionary handheld games machine called the GPX2. It ran on Linux and was about the same size as a PSP or DS the latest versions the FX200 even had a touch screen.

It had some fantastic games - ran a whole host of emulators to support SNES, arcade, Amiga,Atari, BBC, spectrum to name but a few and a whole host of converted roms. If you still missed playing ELite on yoru bbc you could load it up on an FX2 no problems.

The FX2 deserved to be much more popular than it was - it still did pretty well - you could read books, play movies or surf t he web on it . Most programs could be loaded onto an SD card and run from there - loads of games available for free :)

Well it's now gone company have stopped manufacturing although you can probably still pick them up on Ebay ( you won't find mine there though!!)

The reason - a new hand held console - promising the most powerful handheld ever - backed by Opensource principles. It's name is Pandora - I'll tell you about it on this site soon.


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