Friday 11 July 2008

Dyson DC16 Root 6 Vacuum Cleaner - a handheld vacuum that actually works !

It's not often that my gadget/technology obsessed mind finds an outlet in the Home appliances section of my local electrical retailer.

But when I went looking for a dustbuster after getting fed up with - kids, crumbs and my car (I'm sure you can work out the rest).   I possessed an alleged dustbuster - basically you charged it for several days then desperately tried to pick up small crumbs from the car for about 2 minutes (failing dismally) , until it packed up and you put it back on the charger on  the way to pick up a dustpan and brush.

I mean how pathetic is that we can send probes to the far distant reaches of  the galaxy yet can't design something that can pick up a crumbled digestive from my car !!!

Well my friends I have now discovered the Dyson DC16 vacuum thingy.   Not only does it look like a techno laser gun (big plus in my book) it also sucks like nothing on earth (fit in rude joke here)

Dyson DC16 Root 6 Vacuum Cleaner

It's awesome it cleans like a full sized vacuum cleaner and picks  up just about everything - manages crumbs with ease.   It still doesn't last long before needing recharging - between 4 and 6 minutes - but that's more and enough for most little jobs as the thing actually works.

It's a bit expensive for a dustbuster type device but it really does work well.   Definately worth checking out - buy two and you can have a laser fight whilst cleaning cars :)


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